Data & Analytics

InsitePro® has unique access to the best elevation data for US and Canada flood analytics. Here is a list of all the data and analytics available to InsitePro® users.

Elevation Data
  • USA: NEXTMap 5m resolution bare-earth elevations. Hand-edited and hydro-enforced
  • Canada (10 provinces, urban areas): NEXTMap 10m resolution bare-earth elevations, hydro-enforced
  • Canada (10 provinces, rural areas): NEXTMap 30m DSM, 30m resolution, hydro-enforced
Measurements to Water
  • For all points, height and distance to nearest fresh water
  • For all points within 20 miles (31km) of salt water, distance to coast
Flood Hazard Maps
  • FloodScope USA: based on NEXTMap 5m DTM and comprehensive hydrological data.
  • WorldFlood (Global): based on Flood30 elevation data, bare-earth wherever possible, 30m resolution, hydro enforced
  • NOAA Slosh High Tide (US East and Gulf Coasts): surge data from NOAA, delivered as water heights above MSL, 100m resolution, Cat 0 – Cat 5
  • Areas protected by Levees(CONUS), curated by US Army Corps of Engineers
  • FEMA Flood Extents, Zones, Zone Sub-types, BFEs, panel numbers, etc.
  • As supplied by FEMA and RMSI (India)
  • Updated twice annually
Standard Flood Risk Scores (not customized)
  • InsitePro® Flood Risk Score: CONUS + Hawaii: Based on FloodScope, WorldFlood, elevation compared to source of flooding, elevation compared to storm surge
  • Canada Flood Risk Score: Canada, 10 provinces. Based on WorldFlood, distance to salt water, distance to freshwater, height above both types of water

Why InsitePro®?

Natural catastrophe is demanding more attention from property insurers because it is a significant source of claims while presenting an opportunity to expand written premium. Flood leads the way in the United States and around the globe, while wildfire is never far from the headlines. At the same time, these perils remain underinsured.

InsitePro® enables flood and wildfire underwriting that is:
  • Location-specific
  • Risk-based
  • Accurate

InsitePro® clients deliver profitable underwriting and resilient portfolios, even through severe flooding and wildfires. Accurate data and customized analytics give underwriters the information they need to understand every risk they evaluate, and then make better decisions on how to cover (or not cover) the risk.